High Purity Food Grade L-Glycine

From: DALIAN CHEMTime: June 16, 2022

Food grade Glycine is mainly used as nutritional supplement and food additives.
A) Used as a flavoring or sweetness because it is sweet. In combination with sodium glutamate, DL-alanine, or citric acid, it can be used in alcoholic beverage; as a acid corrector or buffer for the composition of wine and soft beverage; as an additive for the making of salted vegetables and sweet jams; as an additive for the making of sauce, vinegar and fruit juice, in order to improve the flavor and taste of food, to retain its original color and to provide a source of sweet;
B) Used as an antiseptic agent for fish flakes and peanut jams, because it can inhibit the reproduction of bacillus subtilis and E.coil;
C) Glycine consists of amino and hydroxyl ions and therefore has strong buffering effects. It can play a buffering role in the taste of edible salt and vinegar;
D) It plays a certain role in metal chelation and antioxidation. Therefore, it can be used as a stabilizer for, cream, cheese, margarine, fast cooked noodles, wheat flour and pig lard;
E) Ued in food processing, brewing process, meat processing ingredient as well as in saccharin sodium in order to remove bitterness.